Sunday, April 12, 2009

4D Training Course scam scheme?

I got some brochures today from my letter box and there's one which caught my attention. It's an advertisement for "4D Training Course". I'm sure most people in Miri and maybe as well as other places also received this. Very interesting you see. Most of the time I thought that buying lotteries or some sort wholly depends on luck and intuition. I didn't know that you could calculate the winning numbers out based on timing and calculations.

In fact, some people I know do not simply buy 4D numbers. They usually would do some observations first using various ways. One of the most common method is to take note of incidents or things which you think have special meaning. In other word, the "SIGN". For example car plate numbers (especially during accidents), birthdays, deathdays, the amount of money that you spent buying gifts for your lover, numbers that occur in your dream (I got 3058 in my head kekeke *grinning*), the day the bird shit on you, the day I broke my teeth, and etc. be it good or bad signs.

Weird thing is that, sometimes it worked though if you look at the big picture, there are more people who don't kena. Even if kena, won't win big also. The probability probably is like 1 in dunno how many millions to kena the head price. Just like what Fran LeBowitz said, "I figure you have the same chance of winning the lottery whether you play or not."

Lets just play the lottery for the fun and thrill or maybe try your luck in earning a little bit of extra money. Don't do it excessively in hoping that one day you'll strike big and become rich instantly. If kena, then you are one hell of a lucky person lol.

Anyway, according to the brochure, the training consists of 2 courses. First the Foundation Course covered topics like:
  1. Timing System - When to buy your 4D Car Number...? Why Timing is very important.
  2. Timing Signal - Radar-4D Forecast Method: Signals that can alert you now.
  3. Timing Scale - How much should you bet today?
  4. Costing & Budget Management.
  5. Accounting Made Easy.
  6. Observation Skill.
I LOL-ed at the topics that they would teach. Kinda like what you learn from college or university but more concentrated on 4D. I thought that the universities could implement this kind of subject into their systems hahaha.

Next if you want to advance to Immediate Course, you need to take and pass 2 Exams (Compulsory to all students in Malaysia, Singapore & Hong Kong). The exams consists of:

Exam 1: Live 20 Trial Test Games.
Exam 2: Real Game for Real Result. Your winning is your results.

Requirement: You MUST at least win 2 numbers in a week just after the 1 hour training to qualify yourself to next Immediate Course.

Sooooo, meaning that if you FAIL, as in none of your numbers came out in the result and you lost your money buying it, you will not be able to advance to the next course. Probably you will have to pay fee again to retake the 1 hour training again or maybe keep buying numbers until you win at least 2. What a bummer. Sounds to me like a money cheating scheme or some kind of conspiracy designed by people who are trying to capitalize on the market of 4D.

What's next after qualifying for the Immediate Course? It's not stated on the brochure. I guess it's for you to find out yourself. Other details include the time of the classes from 10AM to 9PM everyday from Monday to Sunday. These so-called trainers got a lot of time on their hands huh? Also included are some contact numbers for you to call and reserve your seat.

There's no address for the training places but they do have their website address at "". I've visited the site, nothing special except some extra and detailed informations on the courses offered and testimonials from their students. From here I found that after Immediate Course, you'll be eligible for 4D Final Level Course.

Very freaking expensive I tell you! The Foundation Course costs RM380 (promotional price, origi-anal price is RM560) for only ONE FREAKING HOUR of training plus some CDs, formula books and one month of customer support by SMS or e-mail........ d-_-b

Almost the same goes for Immediate (promo: RM560, ori:RM720, 1 hour training) and Final Level (promo: 1480, ori: RM2280, 95% winning chance) courses. Come on everybody, say WTF.

Sounds too good for me but doesn't look that good for me. I doubt it 100%. I reckon that you can spend all that money on something better. Don't get fooled by them fools. Don't be a fool. You've been warned.


I don't know why but I'm feeling very under the weather today. Heck even the weather isn't good today. It's raining heavily and the skies are roaring. I feel anger, I feel the rage and I feel like inflicting pain on myself to stop the hate feeling. I hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!

Monsterism in Me.


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