Every now and then I think everyone should probably experience a streak of bad lucks for a certain of period.
From last Wednesday until now, I've been feeling unlucky. Most of the problems are because of that I had to deal with some work-related tasks like opening a saving account and medical check-up. Those two sounds pretty simple right? So simple like in one day, anyone could have settle it already. The shitty thing was that I had to go a long way to settle those.
One day before I start my new job, I found out that the company does not accept the current saving account that I had previously created for my last job pay transaction. Which means I need to open a new saving account with another bank that they can accept.
That day I planned to settle everything so that I can start work without distractions. I went to this bank, let the clerk know that I want to create an account and presented her my IC. Unfortunately my IC could not be scanned as the embedded chip was damaged. So the clerk directed me to JPN to exchange a new one and get some kind of a clarification letter from them. Fine, so I went to JPN.
At JPN I got my picture taken and thumbs scanned for creating the new IC but I was told that I needed to wait for at least a month before I can get it! So I requested for some kind of official document so that I can show it to the bank. Well, the only thing I could get was a receipt aka 'temporary IC' and they would have to take back the old IC to destroy it. So it's either the receipt or the old IC. Because the bank wouldn't accept the damaged MyKad so I chose the receipt.

Me with the pissed-off look. Messy hair and rugged clothing. No choice, had to take the picture in a rush.
Drove back to the bank, met the same clerk again. Anyway, the conversation went like this:
Chai: Hi, I already went to JPN and replaced the damaged on for a new MyKad but they said I need to wait for another month before I can get it. So, they gave me this (the temporary IC) in exchange for the damaged MyKad. That's all I can get. Is this okay?
Clerk: *look of confusion like she just saw something she never saw before* Erm...I don't think this is acceptable. Do you have driving license?
Chai: Yeah I do. Here you go. (At this point I thought - WHAT?! I just did what you told me to do wtheck)
Clerk: Okay, you hold on for a moment (went into the office).
A few minutes later, she came back.
Clerk: I'm sorry. We actually need your old IC (which is the damaged one).
Chai: (WTF?!?! You just asked me to go change a new one damn you!) Er, is it. The thing is that I had to choose either the receipt or to keep the old IC but since you asked me to change a new one so I took the receipt first.
Clerk: Then do you have a photocopy of your old IC?
Chai: (Double WTFF?!?! DAMN YOU. Should have let me know earlier. Luckily I got one backup photocopy of my IC before if not I would have to drive back to JPN AGAIN to request back my old IC) Huh? Yeah, I got one copy. It's in my car. Let me go get it.
Clerk: Nevermind. It's okay. Besides that, we also need your company to issue us a letter stating that you are a confirmed staff of theirs and to show that your IC is damaged. Then just write
MAYBANK on the letter (I don't know what this means but now you know which bank with such incompetence).
Chai: (What the...?!) Oh I see. Ok then, I'll go get it from my company and then I'll come by again.
At this point, I really feel damn kao pissed off. I called the company's HR and told them about it. So I had no choice but to settle it at another day together with the medical check-up. The medical check-up I couldn't do it on that day because I also needed to get a medical chit from the company.
Next day Thursday was my first day at work. I didn't go settle those stuff as I spent the whole day at the office. I was given a tour of the company and introduced to some people. Other than that, they gave me a bunch of hardcore reading materials to read. I've never felt that hardworking reading before until then. Thank goodness my boss allowed me to do the things I need to do in the morning next day which is Friday.
The next morning, I went back to the bank earlier than its opening time. That day, I experienced something I have never experience before. I was the very first customer to walk ed through the main entrance once business started. Yeah, it was nothing really lol. Anyway, I sat down and presented the relevant documents to the clerk. This time it's a different clerk.
Chai: Hi, good morning. The day before yesterday I came by to create a saving account but my MyKad was damaged. So these are what the bank asked me to prepare. Is this alright???
Clerk no.2: *another look of confusion like she just saw something she never saw before* Er actually we need your actual IC then you can make a saving account. These I don't think can.
Chai: (WTF MAN!!!) What?! Bla bla bla bla (I had to repeat the same thing again from Thursday). I just started a new job with this company and I really need to open a saving account as soon as possible. You try ask your chief or whoever is in charge.
Clerk no.2: Okay you hold on. (Went into the office. After a while, came back). Okay, actually this one we cannot do it for you here. Since your company is directly dealing with our other branch which is the Miri branch then it is better if you go there and open your saving account. My officer already referred you to the Miri branch.
Chai: (d-_-b Okay WTF again. In the beginning you should have told me la tiu. Like I was a problem that you tried to push it to your another branch). Okay okay. I'll go there now. Thanks Bye Ma Hai. (I did not say the last two words. I wanted to though.)
I showed the officer at the Maybank Miri branch my documents. This officer was a lot nicer, professional, polite and totally way better looking than those clerks at the
Pelita Commercial branch (now you know specifically where).
Chai: Hi good morning, I just went to the Pelita branch but they referred me to come here. Bla bla bla bla bla (From here I repeated the same story again).
Nice Officer: *Looking at the documents while listening to me* Huh?? Why did you have to go through all the troubles to prepare these? No, actually you do not have to do all that.
Chai: (Naniyo?!) But this was what they told me to do...
Nice Officer: Well, all I need is your previous MyKad then I could create a saving account for you first. Wait until you got your new MyKad then you can come back here and show it to me. I don't need your driving license all that. It's that simple. Using this temporary IC is not that good.
Chai: Haaaaarrrrrr~ Aiyo. Why like that ar? Why they do not know? Why is it different here? (I don't understand why. Different branches but under the same bank, why do things so differently??)
Nice Officer: It's alright. So I'll just make a saving account for you ya? You just bring to me your new IC next time once you got it.
Chai: Okay, thank you very very much! (FUCK YOU VERY VERY MUCH PELITA COMMERCIAL MAYBANK! mlm)
Another thing is that, for the pelita commercial maybank branch, you need to deposit at least RM250 + RM8 in order to create a saving account. As for the Miri Maybank branch, you can deposit any amount as long as they can deduct RM8 as service charge from your account. Man, I really felt so damn pissed off at the pelita commercial branch that I felt like setting up a nuclear explosion to destroy the building but I am not going to as I got a good friend who is working there.
Finally I got my saving account plus ATM card done and I got one last thing to do. Medical check-up! I went to the clinic and eek! to my horror, there're so many customers there. Major bummer. I had to go back to work in the afternoon and it was already 11am. Anyway, I asked the nurse whether I can do it immediately under the priority of the company's name without having to queue. However, coincidently those customers were from the same company as me and they were there for medical check-up also. Ha Ha Ha Ha. Looked like it's not going to be my turn until late in the afternoon so the nurse said it better for me to come back saturday morning again. Sad face.
At the office, I reported what happened to my boss and requested a little bit time (again) to come later to work on Saturday morning because of the medical check-up. Luckily she's understanding about my situation. Yes! I thought finally I can settle all those and start to concentrate on my work. But...the worst has yet to happen.

Contains noodles, fishballs and eggs.
On that Friday night, when I was about to go out for limteh, I couldn't find my wallet anywhere. I searched my car, my room and other areas of the house including outside but nothing. I thought maybe I left it in the office or the worst case possible is that I dropped it at the parking area. Damn it!
In the next morning, I went for the medical check-up and luckily it went smoothly except that the doctor said I'm overweight (lol). By this time I'm still hanging on the hope that I left my wallet in the office. At the office, I searched around at my table and inquired the security for any lost and found wallet but none. Fuck me! One problem resolved then another big ass problem arises??? What the hell is wrong?!?!
Reluctantly, I told my boss that I might have lost my wallet. My two ATM cards and driving license are inside (Luckily I kept my temporary IC somewhere secure). This means that I would have to take some time off (again!) to settle these problems rite? Banks and JPJ are closed for the weekend so I had to do it on weekdays dang. To do the police report, make new driving license and two new fucking ATM cards!!!! I just got the Maybank ATM card for less than ONE DAY lei.
My biggest concern is that how would my colleagues think of me. I just started working and I have already been taking so many time offs, so many problems? That I couldn't even handle simple things like opening a saving account and doing medical check-up? I hope they don't think of me as a cheat or what. All these problems had been very unexpected.
My available cash money together with my ATM cards lost together with the wallet. Now I am pennyless. My driving license had gone missing too. I'm driving without a license. What if I am stopped by the traffic police and I have no money to "chia" them for "lim teh"?
Who to blame? My own carelessness or I am just one very unlucky dude. FML goodness indeed.