Thursday, September 29, 2011

I’m Just Being Random 29/9/2011


My friend found this gigantic ant in his living room. Freaking huge! He named it Godzilla lol. This is actually a forest ant which is one of the biggest ants in the world.


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This is the Michelin Man pendrive. My friend’s dad’s. Very nice. I prefer the KAWS version though.



Cute cat beside me purring for my fettucini cabonara at the cafe.




I hate house lizards very much. They always like to roam and shit around in my office. They destroy electrical stuffs especially printers and fax machines.



My third attempt at trying to draw not-so-realistic eyes. Need to practice more by using the right pencils.

Friday, September 23, 2011

I’m Just Being Random 23/9/2011


290720111922     Found this drawing from a few years ago while sorting out my room last month. See the color of the paper is fading.


050720111872 I ate a ham. That particularly ham probably got captured while trapping that mini crab. Captured ham – Crap. Me surprised by the crab after eating the ham – Crap.


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Some toys I bought from my Singapore trip on August. I’m a happy manchild. I want more!



Bought this candy from 100 Yen store. Damn nice!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Change of Name

I don't know from which post but I think I introduced myself as Franch Chai.

*after a few browses through the old posts*

I found the post, I could not even force myself to finish reading the second paragraph. I felt like something inside me is about to burst out. Either I'm about to burst out laughing at old self or burst out in rage against my own past silliness or...probably an Alien Chestburster is going to burst out from my chest (which is highly unlikely lol).

I hereby announced that I am no longer known as Franch. Okay okay, when I think back about it, it's kinda lame. It was effin' retarded. Why in the first place? Well there's a long story behind it. I swear if I have a mesin cahaya masa (Doraemon's Time Machine) in the drawer right now, I'm going to travel back to the time and somehow stop myself...and then do some other things LOL.

Fortunately, it's not official as in getting it registered officially under my national identity. So it's not too late haha. Dang! Besides I never ever introduced myself as Franch in my social life. I guess it would have been a huge turn off or a good material for laughter.

I was baptized around May 2011. A proud moment of my life. I am happy. I can finally tell people that I'm a real Christian. I don't have to fake my religion anymore when I fill up forms like during job applications. It's funny when I think about it hahaha.

I finally got an English name as well. Hi, I'm Chai, Jorge Chai. I am much more memorable now than just Chai K. S. Believe it or not, I found this name while checking out a baby names book in my friend's baby store. Initially I thought the name George sounds pretty good with my surname but seems quite generic and then I saw this name Jorge in the book. I think it looks cool. The spelling is shorter and I prefer the letter 'J' over 'G'.

Jorge is a Portuguese and Spanish given name. The pronunciation is pretty much the same with George if you don't pronounce it in Spanish which is 'Hor-Hei' I think. About the meaning of the name, Jorge, well I have this funny story.

One day, my friends were asking me why I chose the name Jorge. The conversation went something like this:

Friends: Why did you chose that name and not George?

Jorge: Hmm, I think it's more cool looking and sounding. Besides that it has a pretty special meaning to it. I think the meaning has something to do with God, something that is majestic or high and mighty. *nostrils holes enlarging, inhaling more air at this point = proud expression* Too bad I could not really remember. I found it in a book.

Friends: Oh really? Let me check.

*One of them used his iPhone to wiki the name*

Friends: Erm, dude...I think you got it wrong. It says here, 'Jorge (, ) is a Portuguese and Spanish given name, equivalent to English George. It is derived from the Greek (georgos), meaning "farmer" or "earth-worker".'

Jorge: What the?! Shhiiee.... Ok ok, I think I got it wrong already LOL. I don't care, Jorge is a cool farmer! Farmers are cool!

So yeah, that's the story. Yours truly. Jorge signing off.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I did not go Bali, so I stayed back minum BaRli Peng

Wow so dusty! *sweep* *sweep* -dunno sweep what paloi-

Hey hey ho ho! Yeah just want to indicate that it has been don't-know-how-long-has-it-been-since-the-last-time-I-updated-this-blog. What do I find different now? There are a lot of spammers in my chatbox...

Why didn't I blog since last year? Well, I'm lazy, I'm busy, there's no inspiration and I have a lot more important things to focus what? figuring out some ways to escape from the rat race so that I can have more time and energy to ENJOY life. Not to WASTE my life.

So what has been going in my life? Ah, I'll just let pictures do most of the talking. My last post was since September, so I guess I'll start from around there.

September 2010

One of my best friends came back for a brief holiday. I think he's pretty cool. Main reasons (LOL) because he studies in Japan, he's going to work there, he's going to change his name legally to Japanese, he's acting more like a Japanese than a Chinese, he's been through the Red Light District (passes through only according to him ehemm), he's using a Japanese hand-phone and he wanna get a Japanese GF (failed a few times...but he is still trying though hahaha).

January 2011

First time I went to Miri's first Korean restaurant and it has been around for 10 years plus! Bibimbap is one of my favorite Korean foods. Unfortunately, this was way less than what I expected from this restaurant. Disappointing! Pocket burned!

March 2011

Another one of my best friends came back around this time. We embarked on a nostalgic walk/jog around our old school areas. I haven't been to that area for a long long time. It was sweet. We went to the old food and drink shack, we went to the church next to our primary school, we walked along our secret alley (back then this alley was full of dog poos) and etc. We had a lot of laughs. This is the day I will remember for a long time as well (11/3/11) because I met a new very special friend :)

April 2011

My step sis invited me to her dad's birthday party at one of his brothers' house. Foods really nice and then the sweet moment where the birthday uncle and grandma blew and cut the cake together. Lastly, I hung around with the elders. It was pretty awesome. For some reason after some drinking they all became more friendly and funny...acting silly and talking crap lol.

June 2011

I called a couple of bros out to celebrate the Dallas Mavericks' victory. There are the World Champion 2011! I am so proud of them! Des and Ray are not basketball fans but I have no one else to celebrate with so...

July 2011

Okay this is the only thing that has to do with the blog title hahaha. I have a planned trip to Bali since last year. I was suppose to be at Bali now at this very moment but...due to some work commitment I am not able to go. Around this time my lil' brother came back from KL, one night we went out together for a drink. We talked about life, career, I gave some advices and discussing about the future. He is moving on to a new environment in Singapore. I wish him the best!

I did not go Bali, so I minum Barli.