Hey hey ho ho! Yeah just want to indicate that it has been don't-know-how-long-has-it-been-since-the-last-time-I-updated-this-blog. What do I find different now? There are a lot of spammers in my chatbox...
Why didn't I blog since last year? Well, I'm lazy, I'm busy, there's no inspiration and I have a lot more important things to focus on...like what? uh...like figuring out some ways to escape from the rat race so that I can have more time and energy to ENJOY life. Not to WASTE my life.
So what has been going in my life? Ah, I'll just let pictures do most of the talking. My last post was since September, so I guess I'll start from around there.
September 2010

One of my best friends came back for a brief holiday. I think he's pretty cool. Main reasons (LOL) because he studies in Japan, he's going to work there, he's going to change his name legally to Japanese, he's acting more like a Japanese than a Chinese, he's been through the Red Light District (passes through only according to him ehemm), he's using a Japanese hand-phone and he wanna get a Japanese GF (failed a few times...but he is still trying though hahaha).
January 2011

March 2011

April 2011

My step sis invited me to her dad's birthday party at one of his brothers' house. Foods really nice and then the sweet moment where the birthday uncle and grandma blew and cut the cake together. Lastly, I hung around with the elders. It was pretty awesome. For some reason after some drinking they all became more friendly and funny...acting silly and talking crap lol.
June 2011

July 2011

I did not go Bali, so I minum Barli.
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