Every year on the 24th of February is the anniversary for
Back in year 2008 around January I worked as a part time sales assistant for the company. As I was the only guy other than the storekeeper, the boss and the manager, I had been given an all around tougher work. In case you are wondering why, the company prefers to hire female rather than male for reasons I don't know. So everyday I was surrounded by girls woohoo~ lol. Don't get me wrong though because most of them are older than me. Besides that, they treated me like a little brother. About why I was hired being a guy, well that's because I dressed up like a girl for the interview my cousin is actually one of the bosses.
Just for fun – This is IF I dressed up like a girl. No, I don’t have a twin sister. Did you fall in love with me? I bet some of you did LMAO.
This is how I actually looked like at work.
Anyway, the dinner was held at Eastwood Valley Golf Club. I arrived at the dinner hall the early and saw my cousin and former boss Joseph sitting alone doing something at a table. I went and greeted him. I saw that he was putting in RM10 notes into red packets. Seeing that he was in a bit of rush since the preparation was not ready for the event yet, I offered my help. Then he left me alone at the table with lots of RM10s and red packets. As I included the money into each red packet, I was trying hard to control my temptations lol. If I’m not mistaken, in total there were sixty RM10, ten RM50 and one RM100 to be given to the invited guests. Then he asked me to randomly attach the red packets to the potted plants that were placed in front of the stage. I wonder what his plan was.
Soon most of the guests had arrived and went to choose their seats. I saw familiar and new faces. People who I remember their names are Sylviana, Sylvia, Ann, Rosety, Sarimah, Ee Lian, Gee, Su Ching, Kak Ratnah, Jenny, Kenneth and Ambros. Those who did not make it for the dinner, Sylvia Regina, Linda, Felicia, Xiao Ming, Shelly and uh…who else. I feel sorry for those who I don’t remember their names. I regret that I did not have the time and chance to work together and get to know more of everyone else. I miss those times =’). Though I don’t remember your names but at least I still recognize your faces lol.
While I was working there, Ambros was the man. He’s my closest pal at work. He’s the ‘God of Gambler’ who had more misses than hits and most of the time his breath smells like alcohol hahaha. He gave me special access to the storeroom, hiding in the storeroom eating snacks together, often buy me dinners, told me interesting gossips, slacking while working, and covering my work mistakes (I broke a few stuff at work =P). He’s a dedicated bad boy at work but a loving father to his son at home because he bought him a Gameboy Advance.
Okay now back to the dinner. As the night progressed on, Joseph stood up and announced to the audience that karaoke is open for everyone. Those who sing will be able to randomly pick one red packet from the potted plants. At this point I thought, ‘So that’s his plan huh. Shit, now I gotta sing for money )=.’
So as the first two participants went up to sing Joseph gave me the camera and asked me to go around take pictures. Now I’m the Cameraman. I went and took pictures of the guests at each table and anywhere which I think is good for the album. Of all the pictures in the camera, I was not inside. Even in the group photos, I was left out…..because I was the Cameraman. Yes laugh la, I’m laughing at myself too lol.
Here comes the highlight of the night, as I stopped by one of the tables to take pictures, one of my former seniors, Sarimah said (loudly and teasingly) that the girl sitting beside her wanted to get to know me. Woah~ she’s cute indeed and I’ve been targeting her for the whole night and shy that she was blushing and trying to hide her face behind her friend. Sarimah said her name is Stephanie and she’s still single. I figured that I should tag along so I waved at Stephanie and said ‘Hi, I’m Chai and I’m single too.’ LOLOLOL. Good to see everyone laughed at the table.
After finished taking the pictures, Joseph told me to choose one song and sing. Sure but I needed someone to accompany me. So I asked Ambros to be my singing partner. We chose our song, ‘My Way’ (English oldies) and waited for our turn. At this time, nobody got the RM100 yet and there were a few RM50 left for grabs.
I gotta get my hands on the big money but I noticed that the red packets were getting lesser and lesser. Not only that, initially two people using two microphones turned to become six people (!) sharing two microphones. Some of them even sang more than once. Their lovely faces had now become money faces (Just kidding haha). Only now then I realized that for every time you sing, you can get one red packet. So as many time you sing, you can get as many you want. CITANKAO! I should have known DX
As I waited and waited, my turn to sing wasn’t here yet. I can’t help but wonder what’s wrong because those who requested their songs later than me were being played over and over again. Damn right, they were cutting lines GARGH~! Ambros didn’t feel bothered by it at all. He was just sitting there drinking his beer and getting high…GARGH~! Again.
Here was I, ‘Left Out’ feeling face...somewhere in the gloomy corner. (Picture from another event)
When the karaoke session ended, all the red packets were gone. The deejay did not play my song. In the end, I got nothing. Sad face indeed. But most people were disappointed because nobody knows who got the RM100. Nobody knows what happened to it (Oops).
At last, we shook hands and bid farewell to each other. I’m gonna miss them. It’s been a fun night.
My farewell gift from the staff at Toy’s World. Her name is Rina <3.

One more thing, who is prettier? ROFL!
Motivational Read of The Week:
"Some people see me as having a disability, but you get what you're dealt. I'm thankful to God that I have what I have. I've seen so many people worse off than me." - Kevin Laue, One-handed basketball player.